Exceeding the Limits

Silas – Exceeding the Limits

By August 17, 2023 No Comments

Silas was diagnosed with autism right around his third birthday. We have come a long way already since then! We are so blessed to have found a great special needs school so close to home that also offers a summer camp that he loves. Silas does best when staying in routine, and he will ask to go to school when there is no school in session. He literally grabs his book bag and shows me to the door.

Dad works at a factory that makes insulation, and I have been a stay-at-home mom for the last 2 years. It was the best decision for our son, to care for him and work with him. Also, it was difficult for me to find employment that understood our circumstances and provided the flexibility I would need. I could not work during drop off and pick up times at his school. If an issue arose during the school day, then I would have to pick him up early. Raising a child with autism on one income has been hard for us financially, but we are so very thankful for the amazing funding options that have helped Silas.

Thank you so much to the Suzanne Tyner Fund at Avenues for Autism for helping Silas attend his third successful year of summer camp at New Horizons Academy. This really helps during summer break when his normal school routine ends. I’ve noticed retention in skills, and overall improved moods and behaviors this year. He really looks forward to going to camp at his school. Silas will even ask to go there on his PECS board, which he has been using more to communicate lately. He has also started to learn to use an AAC device at camp in the few weeks that camp was in session. He has been engaging in lots of art and educational games, at times independently. We appreciate Avenues for Autism for helping Silas reach for the stars!

Story shared by Angie (Silas’ mom)