My name is Carissa Lower and my husband Nick and I’s daughter, Jordyn just turned 3 in November. She was diagnosed with autism last April at 2.5 years old. We started noticing signs around 18 months that led us to believe she might be autistic. We have two nephews with autism, as well as a great niece who are all older than Jordyn, so I guess you could say we knew what to look for.
Jordyn has many sensory issues, the biggest one being sensitive to certain sounds. Day to day things like running water, our dog barking, certain female voices, and toys that make noise really bother her. This will oftentimes cause her to have a sensory meltdown. She wears ear defenders which help a little, but she doesn’t always like to wear them. She is currently non-speaking but loves to hum songs and jabber. She also has the best giggle, and her smile can light up any room. She started preschool in November and loves it! It took her a bit to adjust, but she is doing so much better.
Two of our main supporters, Nick’s mom and my mom passed away when Jordyn was just 2 weeks old, and a little over a year old. Nick’s dad lives an hour away so it’s not very convenient for him to watch her, if needed. My dad is in town and will watch her, but he isn’t very comfortable watching her for more than a couple hours. Nick and I decided to sign Jordyn up for Kaitlyn’s Cottage for respite care.
We currently pay $5.25 an hour, but it adds up so quickly and we even found ourselves having to cut back on the number of days we send her per month.
Last year my Jordyn was a recipient of the Avenues for Autism Suzanne Tyner Autism Assistance Fund. The financial assistance helped our family pay for respite care at Kaitlyn’s Cottage. Jordyn absolutely loves it there and the activities they provide for individuals with disabilities are wonderful. It’s nice for my husband and I as well, because it gives us the chance to have date nights while not having to worry because she’s in excellent care. Last summer they held a 2-day sensory camp that we hope to send her to again because she had a blast! During the Christmas season, they load up their Kaitlyn’s Cottage bus and take the participants around to look at Christmas lights, which Jordyn loves to do! They even hold special days where they will rent out a movie theater for participants and their family to attend for free. Our little family is so very thankful to be granted this funding and we hope to be able to send Jordyn to Kaitlyn’s Cottage for years to come!
-Carissa Lower
Mother of Jordyn Lower, Scholarship Recipient