Each month, Avenues for Autism shared the incredible journey of individuals and families we served and whose lives have been changed thanks to our generous donors. This issue honors those who have made a difference by creating greater opportunities for our friends with autism. We hope you enjoy the December 2021 issue of Exceeding the Limits!

It is with much respect and admiration that we honor the founder of Avenues for Autism, Robert E. Tyner. Bob passed away this year and is greatly missed. We appreciate his life’s work, transforming Toledo by making an incredible impact in the lives of individuals and their families affected by autism. It was Bob and Suzy’s dream to be a resource for families by providing education, financial assistance, and awareness of services through a collaborative effort. Thanks to the generosity of his family, friends, and community their legacy will live on as we humbly serve this organization.

Thank you Marathon Classic presented by Dana for awarding Avenues for Autism with a $30,000 donation to support our efforts. $20,000 will be used toward the Robert Tyner Autism Navigation Program and $10,000 will provide financial assistance for families in need through our Suzanne Tyner Autism Assistance Fund.
We are thrilled to announce our new program coming in 2022: The Robert Tyner Autism Navigation Program. This program will help families explore all opportunities to help their children with autism live without limits. We are so grateful to the Greater Toledo Community Foundation for choosing us for this years Community Builder grant and awarding Avenues for Autism with $21,250 to launch the program and fill a community gap that has existed for many years.
Each year, Avenues for Autism proudly volunteers at the Glass City Marathon. We were the first charity to join this awesome team and have enjoyed many years together. What an amazing surprise it was to receive nearly $15,000 from the Toledo Roadrunners Club, in conjunction with the Marathon, to support our efforts. Thank You!

Thank you to our two premier event sponsors for your continuous support. The UAW Region 2B sponsored our Suzanne Tyner Autism Assistance Fund Breakfast. We raised over $28,000 (net proceeds) and awarded over $30,000 in 2021. Venture Visionary Partners sponsored our 9&Wine plus nine golf outing. We raised nearly $30,000 (net proceeds) and funds will be used to enhance our programs and services. We are grateful for all of our event sponsors. You truly make a difference each year.

Dear friends,
Words cannot fully express the gratitude we share for the gifts we have received this past year. There are so many organizations, companies, and individuals that believe in our mission and have given selflessly of their time, talents, and treasures to help us succeed. We appreciate you and we remain steadfast in our commitment to help everyone affected by autism live without limits.
With gratitude,
All of us at Avenues for Autism