Ability Center of Greater Toledo
(419) 885-5733
5605 Monroe Street
Sylvania, Ohio 43560
Employment-focused life skills classes which touch on various job readiness skills. Includes one-to-one assistance with skill development, resume building, interview preparation, and getting connected to OOD.
Community Employment Services
(419) 352-5059
705 West Newton Road
Bowling Green Ohio 43402
Community Employment Services offers support for workers with disabilities. Similar to temporary services, CES screens and matches employees to employers and provides ongoing job training.
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
(419) 866-5811
5241 Southwyck Blvd, Suite 200
Toledo, OH 43614
Operates the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation, Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired, and the Division of Disability Determination. The agency partners with business, education, and non-profits to facilitate individualized employment plans for Ohioans with disabilities.
Sunshine Communities
(419) 865-0251
7223 Maumee Western Road
Maumee, Ohio 43537
Teaches critical job skills in a wide range of industries, along with skills in teamwork, respect, and patience. Participants may be matched with a Sunshine-employer partnership or one of Sunshine’s properties, including their coffee shop and art studio.
River Crossings at Manahan
(419) 517-5560
6377 River Crossings #2
Sylvania, OH 43560
Trained staff works with individuals interested in participating in the vocational program to ensure thorough and safe work environments. Employer needs are matched with candidates based on abilities and skill sets.