Autism Provider Network

Avenues for Autism works within the autism provider community to identify and fill gaps in services. Along the way, we work to foster a cohesive community collaborative.

Autism Provider Network of Northwest Ohio

Guided by a shared commitment to collaboration and compassion, Avenues for Autism led an initiative that brought together large, northwest Ohio organizations such as ProMedica Toledo Children’s Hospital, Mercy, and The University of Toledo, and smaller autism service organizations including Bittersweet Farms and Autism Society of Northwest Ohio, to form a new network called the Autism Provider Network of Northwest Ohio (APN).

With the help of a Strategic Partnership Alliance Grant from the Toledo Community Foundation and La Piana Consulting, Avenues was able to bring together community partners and form a collaborative agreement. By leveraging the collective resources of each organization, APN can better serve the needs of individuals with autism and their families and caregivers.

In addition to the missions of their respective organizations, APN member agencies utilize resources and talent to advance agreed-upon initiatives which benefit the community.

Autism Provide Network LogoAPN partners commit to working in coordinated efforts to set the standards for early diagnosis, offer options for individualized intensive interventions, and provide continual care and support for the unique needs of families affected by autism.

Members of APN are nonprofit organizations, schools, and other public entities serving those with autism, their families, and their caregivers. Members agree to support APN with services, resources, and funds. Membership contributions help finance APN’s programmatic work.

Avenues acts as a liaison between various nonprofit organizations to create and promote best-in-class services and programs—and to reduce duplicated efforts. We help determine which organizations are best equipped to handle specific services, which programs should be expanded, and what new services are needed.

If your organization is interested in becoming a member of APN, click the links below to download the application.


APN Members

APN is seeking funding requests from its partners who serve individuals with autism. Grant requests must involve innovative initiatives that increase capacity or fulfill an unmet need within the autism community. Initiatives must be collaborations between two or more APN organizations—at least one of which must be an active, paying member.