Suzanne Tyner Autism Fund

Assisting families with the unimaginable expenses of raising a child with autism.


Suzanne Tyner
Autism Fund

The Suzanne Tyner Autism Fund assists families with the unimaginable expenses of raising a child with autism.

How It Works

We created the Suzanne Tyner Autism Fund to help families pay for autism services not covered by traditional insurance or grants. Such services include early intervention programs, assessments and testing, social skills programs, college support programs, transition-to-employment programs, touch devices, and recreational activities. Award amounts depend on fund availability, yearly fundraising activities, and the number of qualified applications received.

Our committee reviews all submitted applications and makes decisions based on the financial needs of each applicant. If applied-for amounts exceed our available funding, households with multiple autism diagnoses receive priority. Additionally, the committee reserves the right to use a lottery system to decide between equally qualified applicants, if needed.

The committee’s decisions are final. All denied applicants receive a letter regarding the decision. Applications not chosen for funding may be considered in the next review period when additional dollars become available.

We value your privacy. Committee members sign a confidentiality agreement prohibiting disclosure of any information on an application without the applicant’s written authorization.

Funding awards are in no way a recommendation by Avenues for Autism as to the appropriateness or safety of a particular service or device. We urge applicants to consult with their physicians, therapists, or educators regarding the choice and use of a particular service, program, or piece of equipment.

Map of Counties


We are not currently accepting applications.

Request Amounts

Applicants may request up to $750 for autism-related equipment, camps, social clubs, etc., or up to $1,500 for intensive early intervention programs or ongoing educational and college supports. Once approved, awarded funds become available within 45 days. At this time, multi-year requests cannot be considered, and funding recipients must re-apply each open cycle.

The fund makes disbursement payments directly to the treatment provider, program, school, or vendor.

Applicants must provide the following documentation:

  • Verification of autism diagnosis from M.D. or D.O.
  • Copy of previous year’s tax return (social security number may be blacked out)
  • Documentation showing cost of program, service, or equipment for which you are seeking funds
  • Documentation showing applicant’s enrollment in program or service (if applicable) and a contact name
  • Your family story or situation and why you are applying to the Suzanne Tyner Autism Fund